Tech Guide One
What is computer hardware and what are the major hardware components?
Hardware is the physical tools used for the input, output and storage actions of a computer system. Major hardware components include a CPU (central processing unit), primary and secondary storage, input and output technologies as well as communication technologies.
What is Moore's Law/what does it mean in relation to computers.
Moore's Law identified that CPU density would expand every two years. In relation to computers this illustrates that every 2 years the speed of a computer processor would escalate.
In basic terms, describe how a microprocessor functions.
A microprocessor or CPU (central processing unit) operates by translating and decoding program instructions and processing data.
What factors determine the speed of the microprocessor?
The speed of the microprocessor was envisaged by Moore to double around every two years. This was because of the increase in miniaturisation of transistors, the compact and more efficient nature of the physical layout of a chip, the use of materials that improve conductivity of electricity and by targeting the amount of basic instructions programmed into the chip.
What are the four main types of primary storage?
Registers, RAM, ROM and Cache Memory.
What are the main types of secondary storage?
Magnetic tape, Magnetic Disks, Thumb drives/USB drives, Hard Drives, and optical storage devices.
How does primary storage differ from secondary storage in terms of speed cost and capacity?
Primary storage is quicker because it is closer to or incorporated into the CPU; it is also more costly and has a smaller capacity. Secondary storage is cheaper and larger, however, this is due to the fact that it is connected to the CPU externally.
What are enterprise storage systems?
Enterprise storage systems are independent, exterior systems with intellect that includes two or more storage devices. E.g. storage area network.
Distinguish between human data input devices and source data automation.
Human data-entry devices comprise of keyboards, mouse, trakball, joystick, touch screen, stylus and voice recognition whereas source data automation devices are input procedures with a small amount of human interference.
Tech Guide Two
What are the main differences/distinction between system software and application software?
Systems software is a set of instructions, which primarily operates as a mediator between application programs and computer hardware. Additionally, systems software presents self-regulatory functions for computer systems, such as loading itself when the computer is first turned on and providing frequently used sets of commands for all applications. This differs to application software because the latter provides more specific functionality, such as word processing.
What are the two main types of system software?
1. System control programs – control use of hardware, software and data resources of a computer system. 2. System support programs – support the operations, management and users if a computer system by providing a variety of support services.
What is the difference between proprietary and open source software? What considerations should be made when a business selects either software?
Proprietary software relates to a company’s specific or unique business need, which can be developed either in-house by the organisation’s human resources, or it could be custom-made from a software merchant. Open source software offers a code at no cost, which can be used by developers and users. This is copyrighted and distributed with licence terms guarantees that the source code will always be accessible. A business should consider a number of things when taking into account either software.If deciding propriety, businesses should consider the restrictions of this software such as its use, copying and modification; consider the cost and time spent on modifying the software; privacy and copyright advantages of this software. If choosing open source software, a business should consider factors such as the fact it produces high-quality, reliable low cost software, however there may be a lot of time and money spent on training consumers.
What are some of the legal issues involved in acquiring and using software in most business/organisations?
The legal issues mainly originate from licensing. Copying software is illegal and if the correct licensees for the use of the software are not purchased correctly it is considered fraud. It is also crucial to certify that the business is adequately watching the software usage amongst the company – because if someone is using illegal software it is still under your name.
What is meant by SaaS? Name some examples of this software.
SaaS is Software-as-a-service – which is a method of delivering software in which a wholesaler hosts the applications. Clients do not own the software but pay for using it such as Google.